I have a square                                       sticker on my laptop          
                                When I look around me,                                                      all I see is shapes
                  We can’t live                                                without the air
       Blow blow                                                                                                                                                    the atrium wind
                                  All the small                                                                      insects live underground
                                                  All the rooms                             are waiting for                                                                         the twilight moon
                                                                          The light                                                               felt heavy  
                      My heart                                 felt big
                                    But my body left                                                                                                              in the dark room
      My tear is                                                                              in the corner of my eye
                                                            The water                                                           trickled down my cheek
                    And I let my             long legs walk                                                                                                 out of your life
                                                                            I’m running                         to my dreams
              Tripping                                         over                         stones
    I will                             hand it                                                                                   to you                     one day
                                                    Let’s draw                                                                                 circles                                     before leaving
                          Then I’ll                                     let you leave                       my mind
        I have a square                                                                 sticker on my laptop          
                                When I look around me,                                                                        all I see is shapes
                  We can’t live                                without the air
       Blow blow                                                                                                                                                    the atrium wind
                              All the small                                                                      insects live underground
                                                     All the rooms                          are waiting for                                                                    the twilight moon
                                                                          The light                                                               felt heavy
                      My heart                                 felt big
                                    But my body left                                                                                                              in the dark room
          My tear is                                                        in the corner of my eye
                                                                                                             The water                         tricled down my cheek
                                And I let my          long legs walk                                                                                                                                   out of your life
                                                                            I’m running                                     to my dreams
              Tripping                                         over                         stones
    I will                             hand it                                                                                   to you                     one day
                                                    Let’s draw                                                                                 circles                                  before leaving
                          Then I’ll                                     let you leave                       my mind
                                            I have a square                                sticker on my laptop          
                                When I look aroung me,                                                                         all I see is shapes
                  We can’t live                                                without the air
       Blow blow                                                                                                                                                    the atrium wind
                                  All the small                                                                      insects living underground  
                                                  All the rooms                             are waiting for                                                                    the twightlight moon
                                                                          The light                                                               felt heavy
                      my heart                                felt big
                                    But my body left                                                                                                              in the dark room
      My tear is                                                                              in the corner of my eye
                                                            The water                                                           trickled down my cheek
                    And I let my             long legs walk                                                                                                                                   out of your life
                                                                            I’m running                         to my dreams
              Tripping                                         over                        stones
    I will                             hand it                                                                                   to you                    one day
                                                    Let’s draw                                                                                 circles                            before leaving
                Then I’ll                                                 let you leave                                                                                   my mind
                                                    I have a square                                       sticker on my laptop          
   When I                         look around me,                                                                       all I see is shapes
                  We can’t live                                                without the air
       Blow blow                                                                                                                                                      the atrium wind
                                  All the small                                                                      insects live underground
                                                  All the rooms                             are waiting for                                                                    the twilight moon
                                                                          The light                                                               felt heavy
                      My heart                                 felt big
                                    But my body left                                                                                                              in the dark room
      My tear is                                                              in the corner of my eye
                                                            The water                                                           trickled down my cheek
                    And I let my             long legs walk                                                                                                                                   out of your life
                                                                            I’m running                         to my dreams
              Tripping                                         over                         stones
    I will                             hand it                                                                                   to you                     one day
                                                    Let’s draw                                                                                 circles                                  before leaving
                          Then I'll                                     let you leave                         my mind
 I have a square                                                                                                             sticker on my laptop          
                                          When I look                                               around me,                                                                                              all I see is shapes
                  We can’t live                                  without the air
       Blow blow                                                                                                                                              the atrium wind
                                     All the small                                                                  insects live underground
                                                                                            All the rooms                                                                                   are waiting for                           the twilight moon
                                                                          The light                                                                     felt heavy
                      My heart                                 felt big
                                    But my body left                                                                                                              in the dark room
      My tear is                                                                              in the corner of my eye
                                                            The water                                                           trickled down my cheek
                    And I let my             long legs walk                                                                                                                out of your life
                                                                            I’m running                         to my dreams
              Tripping                                         over                         stones
    I will                             hand it                                                                                   to you                               one day
                                                    Let’s draw                                                                                 circles                                             before leaving
                          Then I’ll                                     let you leave                       my mind